Ricardo Grande Izquierdo

About me

I am an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at SISSA.

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at École Normale Supérieure working with Isabelle Gallagher and Laure Saint-Raymond. During 2020-21, I was a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor working with Zaher Hani. I obtained my PhD from MIT in 2020, under the supervision of Gigliola Staffilani.

More about me can be found in my CV.

Address: Office A-727, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy
Email: rgrandei [at] sissa [dot] it


I am interested in Hydrodynamic and Wave Turbulence, Dispersive and Kinetic PDEs, Probability and Harmonic Analysis.
Here are some of my publications:

  1. Resonant large deviations principle for the beating NLS equation, preprint (2024)
  2. Rigorous derivation of damped-driven wave turbulence theory (with Z. Hani), preprint (2024)
  3. On the convergence rates of discrete solutions to the Wave Kinetic Equation (with M. Dolce), Math. Eng. 6 (4), 536-558 (2024)
  4. Numerical simulations of a stochastic dynamics leading to cascades and loss of regularity: applications to fluid turbulence and generation of fractional Gaussian fields (with G. Beck, C.-E. Bréhier, L. Chevillard and W. Ruffenach), Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033048 (2024)
  5. A Linear Stochastic Model of Turbulent Cascades and Fractional Fields (with G.B. Apolinario, G. Beck, L. Chevillard and I. Gallagher), to appear in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (2023)
  6. Large deviations principle for the cubic NLS equation (with M.A. Garrido, K. M. Kurianski and G. Staffilani), Comm. Pure Appl. Math. (2023)
  7. On the nonlinear Dysthe equation (with K. M. Kurianski and G. Staffilani), Nonlinear Analysis 207, 112292 (2021)
  8. Continuum limit for discrete NLS with memory effect, see Chapter 3 of my PhD thesis (2020)
  9. Space-time fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation, SIAM J. Math. Anal (2019), 51(5), 4172-4212
  10. Equisizable partial sum families (with I. Kovács, K. Kutnar, A. Malnič, L. Martínez and D. Marušič), J Algebr Comb 51, 273–296 (2020)
  11. On embeddings of circulant graphs (with Marston Conder), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2015), P2.28

Teaching and Mentoring


At UMich:

As a grad student at MIT:

Resources: Students interested in Calculus, Differential Equations or Probability should check out these Mathlets. Students in advanced courses (Functional Analysis, Distribution Theory, Microlocal Analysis, etc.) might be interested in these brief notes about various such topics. Students who are interested in research experience may want to read about UROP and the REU program.


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